The word “phenotype” refers to the appearance and traits of an individual, which are the combined result of genes and environmental factors. The photographs in this series were created with multiple exposure method; each image constitutes of many animals that belong to the same species or species group and in a way express the average physical phenotype of each group.
Swarm intelligence emphasizes the minor role of any individual that is part of a larger insect colony, and people also often see insects as repulsive mass instead of viewing them as individuals or even species. In multiple exposure images the animal mass transforms into a single portrait that appears soft or even cute. However, due to fragility not all body parts align and none of the individuals disappear entirely under the mass.
The series has received funding from Finnish Cultural Foundation. The butterflies were donated by Joensuu botanic garden, Botania.

Apis mellifera queen

Apis mellifera worker

Formica rufa workers




Papilio rumanzovia

Cicada orni shell